Erin Winter

I am your best friend in the mortgage industry! I work hard to educate and empower all my clients while we navigate the complex world of mortgages. My promise is to provide un-biased advice while I passionately negotiate the best terms and rates available. Whether you\'re a first time or repeat buyer, wanting to renew or refinance your existing mortgage, I can negotiate the best mortgage on your behalf. I work with major banks, online lenders, credit unions and private lenders. This allows me to offer the largest selection of mortgage options including:
  • variable or fixed rate mortgages
  • mortgages for rental properties
  • mortgages for self-employed individuals
  • commercial mortgages
  • home equity credit lines
  • mortgages if you are new to Canada
  • mortgages for lake/cottage and leisure properties
  • private mortgages
  • zero down payment mortgages and so much more...
Why wait? Access your options today. Contact me with any questions!